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TC School Board
Synopsis of March 18, 2024 TC School Board Meeting
by Steve Keate
The School Board reviewed and unanimously approved a detailed list of facility improvement projects totaling about $43 million.
This is a major milestone. The projects, jointly referred to as the Phase 1 Bond Projects, are aimed at improving the existing school infrastructure. The funding source will be the sale of bonds previously approved by the voters in 2018. Sale of the bonds is expected to occur in late 2024 pending regulatory approval.
The School Board approved, on a 3-2 vote, its proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 “Local Budget” for submission to the County Commissioners.
The Local Budget, the portion funded by the County, requires approval of the County Commissioners as part of their overall FY25 County Budget. The School Board is seeking FY25 county funding of $15.9 million which represents an 18.4% increase over the FY24. Maintaining and expanding the existing Pre-K program, expanding the number of school counselors, and the loss of non-recurring COVID federal funds, are the drivers behind the FY25 funding request. This request will be getting a lot of attention at an upcoming Board of Commissioners meeting.
Public comments regarding age-appropriate books in our school libraries.
Under the recently passed North Carolina Parents’ Bill of Rights, individuals can request school administrators review and, if deemed age-inappropriate, remove books from school libraries. Several local progressive (liberal) speakers invoked “book banning” and the potential removal of such books from school libraries. If you support the Parents' Bill of Rights and think age-inappropriate books should not be in our public schools, then please attend future School Board meetings and let your voice be heard.